Eternal Echoes

Coming to BRC 2024

Project Description:

The installation incorporates three arches on two sides of the structure, representing the past, present, and future. These arches serve as visual markers, guiding participants through different phases of their life’s journey. As participants move through the space, they are reminded of the interconnectedness of humanity. Soft lights illuminate the space, casting shadows on hundreds of mirrors embedded into the artwork's wall, fostering moments of self-reflection and realization about one's place within the intricate web of existence. These mirrors symbolize the inner workings of the self from different facets of the human experience. Ambient sounds from nearby burners intertwine with thoughts and emotions, creating a symphony of a shared experience.


Aiming to express the universality of human emotions and experiences, particularly in the realms of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery. By creating an immersive environment that engages the senses and prompts introspection, hoping to foster empathy, connection, and healing among participants. 'Eternal Echoes' offers moments of contemplation and healing. Participants are invited to engage in a ritual of self-care and self-love through self-reflection amidst the chaotic landscape of Burning Man. By pausing, breathing, and reconnecting with themselves, they may find the strength and resilience to navigate the depths of their own hearts. Ultimately, the goal is to create a space where participants feel seen, heard, and understood—a space where they can find solace in the shared humanity of the emotional experience and emerge with a renewed sense of hope and possibility for personal growth and transformation.

"Art is nothing if you don't reach every segment of the people." - Keith Haring